Tech support (options for contacting us)
You can submit a request to our technical support in the following ways: Telegram Bot - @airdropfactorysupportbot E-mail - Website - ( readersThe procedure for solving technical issues
If you have any problem using our service: Visit our website; Click on the chat icon with technical support in the lower right corner / or write in the support chat bot Describe your problem by specifying your email, Telegram nickname and attach a screenshot/video of the screen.Few readersDo not forget to follow this algorithm after paying:
Visit our website; Click on the icon of chat with technical support in the lower right corner; 3. In the support chat write ""I've paid for the subscription"" and provide a screenshot or a file with a payment receipt, your nickname in Telegram and your email; 4. The operator checks your payment and sends you a link to join the chat; 5. The chat administrator approves your request and you will be added to our closed community.Few readersCommunication options (bot, chat)
You can submit a request to our technical support by the following methods: Telegram Bot: @airdropfactorysupportbot Site: (https://www.airdropfactory.Few readers